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Failed download. total waste of time and money

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:44 pm
by NickThatStands
4 hours of downloading after the initial download... it all counted as "playtime" i never got to play... the game failed at 98%. wasted my whole day off and now im worried i wont even get a refund because of "playtime"... the downloading isnt supposed to be a part of playtime. 4 hours and i never saw a pinball. this game is trash and needs to be removed. and steam needs to refund me and make up for the obscene amount of time i lost, and the data that was wasted. this is a joke. this game, and steam, both a joke. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME

Re: Failed download. total waste of time and money

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:32 pm
by GLW
Just downloaded and played it on max settings. Worked great, smooth as butter. The game, and Steam are not a joke. Fix yer PC. :P