Bug report: Ball moves to finger position

Android phone and tablet discussion

Bug report: Ball moves to finger position

Postby ostkamp » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:51 pm


I have successfully installed the ProPinball-1.0.3k.12.apk on an Amazon Kindle Fire HD with 8.9" display.
The game runs ok in Portrait mode (only one orientation) with initial "glass mode" active.

However, when I go to the menu where the option "remove glass" is listed, then remove glass and return to the game, any tap and hold of a finger onto the display will make the ball move to the location of the finger. Sounds funny, eh?

I can move the ball from left to right and back, even up. It starts rolling again, once I raise the finger from display.

When the "glass" is replaced again, it starts behaving normally again.

Please have a look.
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Re: Bug report: Ball moves to finger position

Postby Lio » Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:34 pm

That is the point of removing the glass... you can roll the ball around :-)
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