You will have to look for the cracked version of the game for andriod,ADE properly took on more than he could chew..

Looking on kickstart he didn't for fill the pledges too,one of them it says" BETA version access to all future Pro Pinball games" to imply that there will be making the rest of the tables but didn't and so I hope backers got there money back, some PAID UP TO £1000 FOR ONE TABLE...WOW. so glad I didn't back it. I find the old PSX/PC versions are fine. I like them better cause they belong in the time period the late 90s, Timeshock don't belong in 2016, THE WEB was the best table, thats why it didn't go anywhere, the first one is always the best, not the second.(the fourth on is unplayable) THE WEB is the only one that not overcrowd.